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01 / What will I need for class?

Students will be required to have:

  • A 2" three ring binder,

  • 5 binder dividers with tabs that can be labeled,

  • A spiral or composition notebook or notebook paper,

  • Black pen or pencil.  

We will also be utilizing wifi-enabled devices in class.

Some supplies that will be helpful, although not required, are folders, sheet protectors, a highlighter, colored pen/pencils, and note-cards.

02 / How will I be graded?

Assignment categories are as follows:




Supervised Agricultural Experience

Daily work


This information and weighted percentages can also be found in your specific Course Syllabus. 

03 / What do I do if I am absent from class?

Students are responsible for their own make-up work. The class will operate on the “buddy” system. During the first few days of school you should chose a partner that is responsible for helping you in the event that you are absent from class.  Each buddy is responsible for informing the other about tests, class work, notes and other important information. 

If you are absent:

1.) Check Google Classroom

2.) Check with your buddy

3.) Check the Class Absent Bin for copies of missed handouts etc.

4.) Come in before or after school to schedule Quizzes/Tests and assignment turn-in with Mrs. Knowles

If you miss class on the day of a test or quiz you will be responsible for scheduling a make-up with the teacher. However, if you were present when a test was announced, you WILL be responsible for taking that test the day you return. This means that you will need to meet with the teacher on your own time to receive materials and instruction. This is not to be done during normal class time. Make prior arrangements if you plan on being absent.

​The Southern Lee Make-Up Policy will apply in regards to make-up work following an absence. Daily Assignments and Agendas will be posted on Google Classroom. Students should check this before returning to class

It is not and will not be the responsibility of the teacher to inform you of materials that you have missed.

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04 / Do you accept late work?

Late work will only be accepted if prior arrangement has been made with the teacher or at the request from the guidance office. Point deductions will be taken despite of reason - (minus 10 points for each calendar day late.)


This means that students should submit ALL assigned work on time or early.

If work is not submitted, the student will receive a score of 0 for the assignment. 

05 / What if I need extra help?

My goal is for my students to be as successful as possible in Agriculture Education courses. Additional study resources are provided and can be found on each course homepage. I also provide one-on-one tutoring and assistance by appointment-only before and after school. 

We will also have group review sessions prior to any test, in which students are provided study guides. 

Additional intervention services are provided by Southern Lee High School - further information can be found here.

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Make sure to your syllabus if you still have questions!

Southern Lee High School

2301 Tramway Rd, Sanford, NC 27332

© 2017 by Mrs. Jackie Knowles. Proudly created with

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